AWS Welcome Here Program

A Partnership Between Wineries, Wine Businesses and Wine Enthusiasts!

Wineries and Wine Businesses Listed for FREE!


The AWS Welcome Here program is a partnership between the American Wine Society’s 8,000+ wine enthusiasts and wineries / wine businesses around the country.

Wineries and wine businesses participate for FREE and simply display the AWS Welcome Here logo, acknowledge visitors’ AWS membership and greet them with a smile. Wineries are encouraged, but not required, to offer AWS members discounts, free or premium tastings or other benefits.  AWS Membership is available to wineries, but not wineries are not required to join AWS in order to participate in this program.

  1. Winery will display their AWS Welcome Here decal (shown here)
  2. Members will present their current membership card
  3. Winery may offer AWS member discounts if it so chooses

In return, AWS members should:

  1. Present your current membership card.
  2. Be courteous, curious representatives of AWS.
  3. Thank the winery for being Welcome Here participants.
  4. Tell your wine-loving friends via word of mouth and social media.
  5. BUY WINE!